Eeem,,test test 1 2 3
alright have turn on?what?alright
hi MONDALANIAS!!! hehehe me back ^^
i hope you're not bored to reading my blog,i have many time to blogging and make a new articel.
well,yesterday i was published new articel about bodylotion see in,today i'll publish new articel and still review about beauty hehehe
You know,to be ambassador/model/normal person should keep your body from "war" outside Indonesia and maybe in another country you didn't pass from DUSK,SWEAT AND POLUTE right?
you know something?Dusk,Sweat and polute can make your skin change to dark,and "sick". of course you didn't see your skin is sick,but you can test it.
if you after finish shower should your skin has a good smell,clean,and moist.but if you have gone back home aawww your skin to be dark,and has a stink smell right?
why like that?cause polute clog your pore skin!
and not only that,there are many dead skin,and if there are not you remove from your skin,it can be acne,comedo and another skin problem
oh no >...< what should you do?shower?it's not enough baby
i have a secret for you,and i have tried this product ^^
Yap must you know this product right?
Who don't know Biore?one of top brand in the world,many people see this product "ooh it's so cheap" "i don't like this product cause it's cheap"
i bet you,your body foam can't so perfect like Biore
Biore Whitening scrub it's so perfect for my body.It has a smoothe scrub,so they can't make your body irritation.
like another body foam texture,it has liquid texture and has a good smells
after you mix it with your body,you can feel a smoothe scrub
What i like from this product : has a smoothe scrub,so they can't make your body irritation has a good smell,and it smell can survive 3-5 hours has more foam
4.after you shower with this body foam,your skin more fresh and more clean
this product contain Brightening Beads (scrub),Vitamin E dan Green Tea Extrct for remove dead skin and dead cells overall.
so dont judge a book from the cover.
remember this,not always a cheap product it has a low quality
alright guys,thankyou for visit and read my blog and see ya ^^
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